Make Up Masterclasses – Mum & Me

Make Up Masterclasses


As a Make Up Artist in Yorkshire, It’s been a busy old month for my masterclasses, covering all kinds of make up and skin care related shizzle.  So I thought I’d share with you what’s been going on as a little ‘spotlight’ on each one.  Whenever I’m asked ‘do you do make up lessons’, people are amazed when I say hell yes of course, I love them!  So thought it only right to add a brand new section to my website, highlighting all the different kinds of masterclasses I can do, so go and check it out! 

We go through skincare tips and advice, make up colours and products that work for you.  We then work on the perfect make up look you want, whether a gorgeous day time look or going all out with a smokey eye look for parties! Each class is individually tailored to you and not a blanket ‘how to’ make up lesson.  After the masterclass you will be confident in using make up, whether this is your own existing products or we’ll have introduced a couple of new ones!  Plus, you’ll feel good to experiment and play with new make up.

First up is the Mum & Me masterclasses, which is perfectly timed for Mother Day’s gifts (yes, cliche I know).



Mum & Me Time


I had the pleasure of welcoming the gorgeous Liz back into the studio last weekend with her beautiful Mum Lindsey.  Liz and I met a couple of years ago when she got married at the Crab & Lobster in Thirsk.  We’ve since stayed in touch over social media and Liz purchased one of my masterclass vouchers for her gorgeous Mum as a Christmas Gift.

Since celebrating a special birthday, Lindsey was determined to nail her make up look.  Not one for wearing a lot of make up and on some days, wearing none at all, she was a little apprehensive to start with, naturally.  By the end of the session, Lindsey told me “it wasn’t scary like in the glossy make up areas in the shops!’ Yes Lindsey, that is my goal, when you can see make up as fun and not scary!

First, over a cup of tea and a slice of home made sponge (I know, get me! Mary Berry is shaking in her block heels as we speak!) we discussed Lindsey’s skincare regime.  We chatted about a couple of products that she may want to introduce, after reviewing what she uses now.  As we age and hormonal changes occur, our skin looses its natural moisture and elasticity.  So naturally we should look to make some changes to our skincare, Lindsey liked the idea of incorporating a facial oil as her skin still felt dehydrated at times.


Make Up Bag Detox


The second part of the masterclass involves a complete overhaul of your own make up bag with what’s good and what’s not so good!  I always encourage my masterclass peeps to bring along her own make up bag, much to their own embarrassment.  This allows us both to see what make up style you have.  We then go through what does and what doesn’t work for you and you get to keep the good stuff!  Lindsey brought along half a dozen products and she only uses a few of those at the most and yes, we had a little giggle at how old they were.  Especially the brown eye liner pencil that she cannot remember last using….or when she bought it!

Make Up Masterclass Make Up Brushes

We then moved onto discussing Lindsey’s perfect make up look.  We all agreed a look that was beautifully simple to compliment Lindsey’s overall style and gorgeous complexion.  We also wanted the make up look to be quick and no fuss, so that she can do this as regularly as she wishes without being overwhelmed.

Going through colours and tones which suit you is so important.  95% of my clients like ‘neutral’ tones but then there are cool and warm tones for the old faithful ‘browns’.  Giving Lindsey the confidence to wear a tone she would never use was amazing!  Ditching the old tri-colour eye shadow palette which was making her eyes appear more tired and incorporating one that made her eyes pop.  A colour tone that she would never even look at, as it wasn’t a ‘safe’ colour but still on the neutral palette!  It made her eyes look sparkly and skin radiant.

Charlotte Tilbury Golden Goddess

We also looked over different kinds of base, concealer and colour correcting (what’s that now?).  Lindsey has amazing skin, but some days it’s nice to even things out a little, so armed with a few new products to introduce into her make up bag, this will giving her the tools to look even more gorgeous.

It was so lovely to have Liz and her Mum together, being able to share something together and spend quality time and for them to chat about after.

Two happy smiley faces left the studio that day!


Get yourself booked in!


If you fancy coming over to Make Up Towers for a fun afternoon involving tea and cake, drop me a message!  All of my gift vouchers come beautifully wrapped and posted to you without additional charge.

You have the option to gift this masterclass to your Mum or a special lady in your life as a one to one masterclass or we can incorporate both of you together.  Definitely a winner for this Mother’s Day or even a Birthday coming up, make it special for you both!  Prices for a one to one class is £95 and for a Mum and Me session, this is £145.  Both are for a 2 hour session.

If you’d like something more bespoke, please do let me know, happy to build a class or package around your requirements.

Next up on the Masterclass Spotlight is Beauty Junkie Katie!

Catch you later!

Vick x


If you’re interested in having a private or group make up masterclass get in touch by visiting And if you’d like to find out my wedding work click here or any other make up service I offer, take a look.  Or if you want to check my availability get in touch.   Plus see what I get up to on Facebook and Instagram. I work all over Yorkshire and overseas so drop me a message, I’d love to hear all about your plans.








Well that was 2020 – Yorkshire Wedding Make Up Artist

Well that was 2020 – Yorkshire Wedding Make Up Artist

Whilst I know that we have all had some low times this year, and we’re not out of the woods just yet, I wanted to make sure I took the time to reflect on what went down and what I’m grateful for, cos that’s the kinda girl I am!

So, grab a cuppa and have a read!

Middleton Lodge Winter Wedding

Middleton Lodge Winter Wedding

An Intimate Winter Wedding was not on the cards for Claire and Rhyan. In fact is was their intention to marry in the Summer of 2020 surrounded by all their friends and family.

Despite two postponements, lady luck finally shone for them at Middleton Lodge on 20th December 2020.


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